API: Accounting

POST /accounting_api/addCreate a new accounting statement using FORM DATA.
POST /accounting_api/do/upload_attachmentAdd an attachment to a statement.
GET /accounting_api/get/account_balanceFetch the balance of a given account and date.
GET /accounting_api/get/ledgerFetch a ledger report.
GET /accounting_api/get/accountsFetch a list of accounts.
GET /accounting_api/get/vatcodesFetch a list of VAT codes.
GET /accounting_api/get/periodsFetch a list of accounting periods.
GET /accounting_api/get/opening_balancesFetch a list of opening balances for a given period.

POST /accounting_api/add

Create a new accounting statement using FORM DATA.

Statement rows are given as an array, for example row[x][debit] is the debit value of the row x.

Request parameters
Name Description Data type Req’d Example
entry_date Entry date. Leave empty for current date. string (date) 2024-01-01
statement_series_code Statement series code. string CA (see Statement series list)
description Description of statement string Cash sales
purchase_invoice_id purchace_invoice_id* int

*Mandatory if statement_series_code is PU. Also statement_series_code MUST be PU if purchase_invoice_id is given.

If statement_series_code parameter NOT posted at all, statement_series_code is GL.

Header fields (above) appears only once in the POST payload and they are all optional. At least two statement rows (below) must be sent along with the header data. Number of rows is not limited, but the sum of all debit fields must be equal to the sum of all credit fields. A single row must not have both debit and credit values present.

Negative values are not allowed, the amount must be given to the correct debit/credit side as positive.

Name Description Data type Req’d Example
row[1][debit] Debit sum for first statement row, max 2 decimals number YES 100.00
row[1][account] Account for the first statement row int YES 4000
row[1][description] Description for the first statement row string Row description
row[1][vatcode] VAT handling (identifier) for the row. Use GET /accounting_api/get/vatcodes for full list of VAT handling identifiers and their functions * int
row[1][dim_{dimension_type_id}] Dimensions for statement row. {dimension_type_id} is the id of the dimension type and it’s value is the code of the dimension. string row[1][dim_1] = 100 (dimension for the type ”1” would be 100)
row[1][accrual_start] Acrual start date YYYY-MM-DD date 2024-12-31
row[1][accrual_count] Count of acruals int 12
row[2][credit] Credit sum for the second statement row, max 2 decimals number YES 100.00
row[2][account] Account for the second statement row int YES 199999
row[2][description] Description for the second statement row string
row[2][vatcode] VAT handling (identifier) for the row. Use GET /accounting_api/get/vatcodes for full list of VAT handling identifiers and their functions int
row[2][dim_{dimension_type_id}] Dimensions for statement row. {dimension_type_id} is the id of the dimension type and it’s value is the code of the dimension. string
row[2][accrual_start] Acrual start date YYYY-MM-DD date 2024-12-31
row[2][accrual_count] Count of acruals int 12
* Standard vatcodes
Response code Description
200 Ok, adding a statement was successfull
400 Unable to add a statement. Further information can be found from the errors array in response JSON
401 API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to add statements
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”POST” and not ”GET” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
id If adding a statement was successfull, id contains unique identifier for the newly created statement int 1234
statement_number Statement number int 5
statement_series_code Statement series code Starting from 8.8.22 string GL (see Statement series list)
statement_series_id Old way. Only if POST statement_series_id or no statement_series_id or_statement_series_code. Do not make new implementations after 8.8.2022. Fennoa internal identifier of the statement series. int 16

Statement series

Following statement serias are available to POST (add).

Statement series name Series code
Cash CA
General ledger 1 GL
General ledger 2 GL2
General ledger 3 GL3
General ledger 4 GL4
General ledger 5 GL5
General ledger 6 GL6
Purchace invoice* PU

*Only for adding statement to purchace invoice already saved to Fennoa.

POST /accounting_api/do/upload_attachment

Add an attachment to a statement. PDF-format is recommended, but JPEG or PNG are also supported.

Request parameters

Request parameters are given as part of the URL as follows:


Name Description Data type Req’d Example
id Unique identifier of a statement int 100
Form data

Content type must be multipart/form-data which is used to send binary data to the server. Form-data contains one field ”file” that is the actual file upload.

Name Description Data type Req’d Example
file File to upload file YES
Response code Description
200 Ok, file uploaded successfully and attached to the statement
400 Error receiving the file
401 API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”POST” and not ”GET” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
data Description of the status (if stataus = OK) string File stored.

GET /accounting_api/get/account_balance

Fetch the balance of a given account and date.

Request parameters are given as part of the URL as follows:


Example queries:


Request parameters
Name Description Data type Req’d Example
account Account from which the balance is being fetched int YES 1910
date Balance date int YES 2024-12-31
Response code Description
200 Ok, fetching a balance was successfull
400 Unable to fetch balance
401 API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to fetch account balance
404 Account, dimension or dimension type is not found
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
account Account (from the request) int 1900
date Date (from the request) string (date) 2024-12-31
dimensions Dimension (from the request) array
sum_debit Debit sum number 400.01
sum_credit Credit sum number 300.02

GET /accounting_api/get/ledger

Fetch a ledger report.

Request parameters are given as part of the URL as follows:


Request parameters
Name Description Data type Req’d Example
start_date Start date of the ledger report string (date) YES 2024-12-01
end_date End date of the ledger report string (date) YES 2024-12-31

Additional filters

Name Description Data type Req’d Example
accounts Fetch ledger only given accounts, separated by a comma string 1900,1910,1920
dimX Dimensions. Level of dimensio and value string dim1:100
series Statement series id string 1=GL

Example queries:

/accounting_api/get/ledger/2018-01-01/2018-01-31/series:1 (statement_series_id)

Response code Description
200 Ok, fetching a ledger was successfull
400 Unable to fetch ledger
401 API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to fetch ledger
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
statement_id Unique identifier of the statement row int 10540
account Account string 1900
date Date string (date) 2024-01-02
debit Debit value number 45.67
credit Credit value number 0.00
description Description string Description from the statement
series Statement series code string IN
number Statement number int 52
opening Opening balance number 0.00
closing Closing balance number 45.67
dimensions Zero dimensions returns empty array
type Type of statement string sales_invoice
id Statement id int 2750
url Url (after https://app.fennoa.com) to GET statement string /api/sales_api/2750

GET /accounting_api/get/accounts

Fetch a list of accounts.

Request parameters

Request parameters are given as part of the URL as follows:


Example queries:


Response code Description
200 Ok, fetching accounts was successfull
400 Unable to fetch accounts
401 API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to fetch accounts
404 Accounts not found using the given filters
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
code Numeric code for an account int 1900
name Account name string Cash
vatcode_id VAT code (if configured for account) int 1
vatcode_type If VAT code is present, type indicates whether it is for sales or for purchases string sales / purchases
vatcode VAT code, human readable version string Standard / Reduced 1 / EU-services

GET /accounting_api/get/vatcodes

Fetch a list of VAT codes.

Response code Description
200 Ok, fetching VAT codes was successfull
400 Unable to fetch VAT codes
401 API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to fetch VAT codes
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
id Unique identifier of the VAT code int 1
type Either ”sales” or ”purchases” string sales / purchases
name Human-readable presentation of the VAT code string Standard / Reduced 1

GET /accounting_api/get/periods

Fetch a list of accounting periods.

Response code Description
200 Ok, fetching VAT codes was successfull
400 Unable to fetch VAT codes
401 API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to fetch VAT codes
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
id Unique identifier of the VAT code int 1
type Either ”sales” or ”purchases” string sales / purchases
name Human-readable presentation of the VAT code string Standard / Reduced 1

GET /accounting_api/get/periods

Fetch a list of accounting periods.

Response code Description
200 Ok, fetching accounting periods was successfull
400 Unable to fetch accounting periods
401 API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to fetch accounting periods
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
id Unique identifier of the accounting period int 2
start_date First day of the accounting period date 2024-01-01
end_date Last day of the accounting period date 2024-12-31

GET /accounting_api/get/opening_balances

Fetch a list of opening balances for a given period.

Request parameters are given as part of the URL as follows:


Additional filters
Name Description Data type Req’d Example
accounts Fetch opening balances for only given accounts, separated by a comma string 1900,1910,1920
Response code Description
200 Ok, fetching opening balances was successfull
400 Unable to fetch opening balances
401 API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to fetch opening balances
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
account_code Account number int 1021
total_sum Total sum number 815.04
debit_sum Debit number 815.04